What are Ayurveda Doshas ? Understanding Vata, Pitta & Kapha

Vata, Pitta & Kapha collectively known as the Ayurveda doshas are the most foundational concepts of Ayurveda tradition But what exactly they are?
Ayurveda Doshas generally called Tridoshas i.e Vata, Pitta, and Kapha are energetic forces of nature, functional principles that help us to understand ourselves and the world in a better way. Vata, Pitta, and Kapha are essential to our physiology, so no dosha is better than or superior to any other. The Tridoshas i.e. Vata, Pitta, and Kapha are believed to be present in varying proportions in every individual. These doshas are associated with specific qualities, functions, and characteristics: Each has a specific set of functional roles to play in the body. That said, when the doshas are out of balance, they can wreak havoc on our health.
Five elements of Ayurveda
In Ayurvedic philosophy, It is believed that the Five Great Elements (Pancha Mahabhuta) make up our natural world or we can say the most basic building blocks of the material world are these five elements.
- Aakash ( Ether or space )
- Vayu ( Air )
- Tejas or Agni ( Fire )
- Apas ( Water )
- Prithvi ( Earth )

Relationship between Doshas & Five elements
Vata, Pitta & Kapha have a strong relationship with the elements of nature. The relationship is defined below:
- Vata Dosha is related to air and space.
- Pitta Dosha is related to fire and water.
- Kapha Dosha is related to earth and water.

What is Vata Dosha ?
Vata dosha is associated with Air and Space. The nature of this dosha is light, cold, and dry. Vata is considered to reside in the colon, large intestines, pelvis, lower back, and thighs. Its primary principle is movement and flow in our body and mind. It is the breeze that ignites your digestion, eliminating toxins and waste. It is also responsible for the flowing movement in our body, the flow of blood, and cellular behavior. It is the fuel to our fire (Agni), intellect, passions, and intuition as it is also an integral part of our nervous system’s responsible for the occurrence of thoughts.

What is Pitta Dosha ?
Pitta dosha is associated with Fire and water elements. Pitta, like Agni, is passionate and sharp. The nature of this dosha is hot, light, sharp, fluid, oily, and mobile. Summer and its hot and sunny days are often associated with Pitta. It is considered to be found within the body in the stomach and small intestine. It is responsible for your internal temperature, but also your intellect, intuition, and emotions. Pitta also affects your metabolism, mostly impacting the blood, eyes, skin, liver, stomach, spleen, and gallbladder.

What is Kapha Dosha ?
Kapha dosha is associated with water and earth. The nature of Kapha is slow, moist, cool, soothing, and oily. Kapha provides the underlying structure and foundation making way for the growth and development of tissue in our body. As Kapha increases in the body, there is also an increase in thickening fluids (mucous) alongside the structure of the body. It provides protection and lubrication to all body organs in the form of mucous, brain fluid, and synovial fluid for the joints. Kapha considered that it mostly resides in the upper body including the respiratory system, mucous membranes, upper stomach, joints head etc.